Layanan Kontraktual

DESKRIPSI LAYANAN | ZIVE SP5 Potentiostat + EIS 1MHz (Compliance: ±10V - Max. Current: ±5A, 1.5 fA) The best choice for the complete DC and impedance characterization of various energy sources and storage such as fuel cell, battery, solar cell, supercapacitor, etc. Also,…

  • Laboratorium Fisika
  • PT. Nusa Veritas Inspektama
  • KST Serpong (Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie)
    KST BJ Habibie Gedung 440-442 Laboratorium Fisika Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
  • 08119811562
  • Satuan Layanan: Per Kontrak
  • Waktu Pengerjaan Layanan: 14 Hari Kerja
  • Kuota Pelayanan Per Hari: 1
  • Kapasitas Layanan: 1 Per Kontrak
  • Jumlah Minimal Pengajuan: 1
Marketing Office
Deputi Bidang Infrastruktur Riset dan Inovasi BRIN
Ajukan Layanan

ZIVE SP5 Potentiostat + EIS 1MHz (Compliance: ±10V - Max. Current: ±5A, 1.5 fA)

The best choice for the complete DC and impedance characterization of various energy sources and storage such as fuel cell, battery, solar cell, supercapacitor, etc. Also, its versatile functions make it suited to other applications including corrosion, coatings, sensors and other fundamental electrochemical analysis. The system is designed under FPGA and DSP control with high-speed capability.
DAC Control: Two sets of high-speed 16bit DAC(50MHz) for offset & scanning & one set of 16bit DAC(1MHz) for auxiliary analog output control
ADC Reading: Two sets of 16 bit 500kHz ADC for reading voltage/current and 4 channel 16bit 250kHz ADCs for auxiliary data input such as temperature, auxiliary voltage, etc. It provides high-frequency EIS, fast pulse techniques and high-speed sampling time.

E-mail layanan uji:
No. WA Layanan : +62 811-9811-562

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