
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Service for testing metal levels in sample solutions that have been prepared by the customer (ready to measure with AAS), quantitative measurements using Flame or Graphite furnace. Sample specifications: Sample solution of at least 50 ml and ready for…

  • Laboratorium Sumberdaya Energi, Bahan Bakar dan Lingkungan - Sub. Laboratorium Bahan Bakar dan Rekayasa Desain (LBBRD)
  • Puspiptek - Serpong
    Gd. 480 Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Tangerang Selatan 15314
  • 08119811559
  • Service Unit: per contract
  • Service Duration: 14 Working Days
  • Service Quota Per Day: 5
  • Service Capacity: 1 per contract
  • Minimum Amount: 1
Marketing Office
Deputi Bidang Infrastruktur Riset dan Inovasi BRIN
Apply for Service
Service for testing metal levels in sample solutions that have been prepared by the customer (ready to measure with AAS), quantitative measurements using Flame or Graphite furnace.
Sample specifications: Sample solution of at least 50 ml and ready for testing (has been filtered - using filter paper).
Test prices for 5 types of elements/samples
Measurement of heavy metal/flame levels available: Ti, V, Al, Si, and Ca
AAS Tool Details: AAS Angilent 280FS AA, 200 Series AA No. BMN: 081.01.0100.631076.000

Application Requirements:
  • Photo
  • Other Supporting File
File Name File Size
Service SOP file 0.45 MB
Template Photo 0 MB
Template Other Supporting File 0 MB