SERVICE DESCRIPTION | UV-Vis spectrophotometry Shimadzu 1800 is used to measure the absorbance of a liquid sample using wavelengths in the UV region (200-350nm) and visible light (350-800 nm). The results obtained are in absorbance values. This spectrophotometry is double…
- Laboratorium iLaB dan Kultur Jaringan
- KST Cibinong (Soekarno)
Gedung iLaB (Integrated Laboratory of Bioproduct) Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional Kawasan Sains dan Teknologi (KST) Soekarno Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor KM 46, Cibinong, Jawa Barat. Kode Pos 16911 - 081284636367
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Deputi Bidang Infrastruktur Riset dan Inovasi BRIN
UV-Vis spectrophotometry Shimadzu 1800 is used to measure the absorbance of a liquid sample using wavelengths in the UV region (200-350nm) and visible light (350-800 nm). The results obtained are in absorbance values. This spectrophotometry is double beam spectrophotometry. The blank value can be measured directly with sample solution in the same process. Required at least 5mL of sample.