SERVICE DESCRIPTION | CTD Profiler JFE Advantech Rinko -Profiler ASTD102 is used for measuring various parameters of marine physical properties such as temperature, salinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll and turbidity. CTD Rinko can be used to measure the parameters…
- KST Serpong (Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie)
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CTD Profiler JFE Advantech Rinko -Profiler ASTD102 is used for measuring various parameters of marine physical properties such as temperature, salinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll and turbidity. CTD Rinko can be used to measure the parameters of the physical properties of seawater in coastal areas to a depth of 600m. The Rinko CTD is equipped with depth, temperature, DO, chlorophyll and turbidity sensors. Rinko's CTD technical specifications can be seen in the datasheet.