
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Coastal and water dynamics topographic and hydro-oceanographic survey services are one type of service provided by the BRIN Beach and Coastal Dynamics Laboratory to serve the public for their primary data needs in coastal areas. Surveys that can be carried…

  • Laboratorium Pantai dan Dinamika Pantai (LPDP) - Sub Laboratorium Uji Model Numerik
  • Mlati
    Laboratorium Pantai dan Dinamika Pantai - BRIN Gd. Subandono Diposaptono - Kawasan BRIN Yogyakarta Mlati Jl.Grafika No.2 Sinduadi Mlati Sleman - D.I. Yogyakarta
  • 08119811589
  • Service Unit: contract
  • Service Duration: 15 Calendar Day
  • Service Quota Per Day: 1
  • Service Capacity: contract
  • Minimum Amount: 1
Apply for Service
Coastal and water dynamics topographic and hydro-oceanographic survey services are one type of service provided by the BRIN Beach and Coastal Dynamics Laboratory to serve the public for their primary data needs in coastal areas. Surveys that can be carried out include measuring topography, bathymetry, measuring currents, waves, tides, physical properties of water (CTD), taking sediment samples, and so on. Survey services are carried out on a customized and contractual basis according to the requests and needs of service users. Service managers and users need to conduct dialogue and technical discussions at the beginning to define and determine the survey work that will be carried out later. The budget and cost plan for the scope of service work to be carried out is prepared and agreed upon jointly between service users, service implementers and the BRIN secretariat/partnership. Work can be continued after all the requirements have been agreed and fulfilled by the parties.

Further information can be obtained by contacting the following survey service provider: WA 081228285500

Application Requirements:
  • Cover Letter
  • Other Supporting File
File Name File Size
Service SOP file 0.33 MB
Template Cover Letter 0 MB
Template Other Supporting File 0 MB