SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Analysis of flash point PMCC for sample of biodiesel or mixture of biodiesel and diesel fuel according to ASTM D93. Minimum volume of sample : 300 mL. Please include sample information as follows : 1. Please inform sample type and how to obtain…
- Laboratorium Sumberdaya Energi, Bahan Bakar dan Lingkungan - Sub. Laboratorium Bahan Bakar dan Rekayasa Desain (LBBRD)
- KST Serpong (Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie)
Gd. 480 Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Tangerang Selatan 15314 - 08119811559
Marketing Office
Deputi Bidang Infrastruktur Riset dan Inovasi BRIN
Analysis of flash point PMCC for sample of biodiesel or mixture of biodiesel and diesel fuel according to ASTM D93.
Minimum volume of sample : 300 mL.
Please include sample information as follows :
1. Please inform sample type and how to obtain the sample (biodiesel sample must not contain any methanol)
2. Please inform flash point prediction. For unknown sample, analysis of distillation temperature (ASTM D86) should be conducted prior to this analysis to ensure the sample is not volatile (FP < 40).
Application Requirements:
Minimum volume of sample : 300 mL.
Please include sample information as follows :
1. Please inform sample type and how to obtain the sample (biodiesel sample must not contain any methanol)
2. Please inform flash point prediction. For unknown sample, analysis of distillation temperature (ASTM D86) should be conducted prior to this analysis to ensure the sample is not volatile (FP < 40).
Application Requirements:
- Photo
- Other Supporting File
File Name | File Size | |
Service SOP file | 0.02 MB | |
Template Photo | 0 MB | |
Template Other Supporting File | 0 MB |