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SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Description of Hypack 6.2b Hypack 6.2b is a software used for hydrographic surveying and underwater mapping. This software is developed by HYPACK, Inc., a company specializing in providing software solutions for marine surveying, hydrography, and mapping.…

  • KST Serpong (Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie)
  • Service Unit: per contract
  • Service Duration: 1 Working Days
  • Service Quota Per Day: 1
  • Service Capacity: 1 per contract
  • Minimum Amount: 1
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Description of Hypack 6.2b
Hypack 6.2b is a software used for hydrographic surveying and underwater mapping. This software is developed by HYPACK, Inc., a company specializing in providing software solutions for marine surveying, hydrography, and mapping. Hypack 6.2b is a version of the Hypack series designed to help professionals collect, process, and analyze hydrographic data with high accuracy.

Key Features of Hypack 6.2b:
1. Data Acquisition: Record and record raw data.
2. Survey Design: Design and plan the survey area.
3. Data Collection: Collect data and apply depth corrections (sounding corrections).
4. Data Processing: Remove outliers (invalid data), create field sheets, and export data to CAD format.
5. Map Making: Create and modify maps for navigation.
6. Contour Making: Generate contours (lines connecting points with the same depth).
7. Side Scan Mosaic Creation: Create a mosaic from side scan sonar data.

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Service SOP file 0.24 MB