
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Services used for research activities related to the use of equipment and instruments in Cyclotron CS-30 building 11 LTPK-DPFK. Some scopes of equipment such as: 1. Vacuum Pump 2. Power Supply 3. Harmonic Coil 4. Control Console 5. RF Motor 6. Steering…

  • ITRR - Laboratorium Pengujian Radioisotop dan Radiofarmaka
  • KST Serpong (Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie)
    Instalasi Teknologi Radioisotop Radiofarmaka - Direktorat Pengelolaan Fasilitas Ketenaganukliran (ITRR - DPFK) Gedung 11 Kawasan PUSPIPTEK, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten
  • 081110646763
  • Service Unit: Per Contract
  • Service Duration: 2 Working Days
  • Service Quota Per Day: 2
  • Service Capacity: 2 Per Contract
  • Minimum Amount: 1
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Services used for research activities related to the use of equipment and instruments in Cyclotron CS-30 building 11 LTPK-DPFK. Some scopes of equipment such as:
1. Vacuum Pump
2. Power Supply
3. Harmonic Coil
4. Control Console
5. RF Motor
6. Steering Magnet
7. And other components

File Name File Size
Service SOP file 1.96 MB