
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | MBKM participants will take part in assistance services for cooperation with foreign partners, including reviewing and analyzing the substance of cooperation; compiling progress pointers for cooperation reports; reviewing the proposed cooperation text;…

  • Jakarta - Thamrin
  • Service Unit: 2 persons
  • Service Duration: 6 Months
  • Service Capacity: 3 2 persons
  • Minimum Amount: 1
  • Jumlah Pelamar: 0
MBKM participants will take part in assistance services for cooperation with foreign partners, including reviewing and analyzing the substance of cooperation; compiling progress pointers for cooperation reports; reviewing the proposed cooperation text; preparing responses to collaborative input; create cooperation correspondence with foreign partners

Study Program Qualifications:
International Relations, Public Policy, English Literature, International Law (2 Persons)

Application Requirements:
  • Photo
  • File Data Transkrip
  • Cover Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Statement Letter
  • Other Supporting File
  • Proposal
File Name File Size
Service SOP file 0.95 MB
Template Photo 0.01 MB
Template File Data Transkrip 0 MB
Template Cover Letter 0.01 MB
Template Curriculum Vitae 3.05 MB
Template Statement Letter 0.01 MB
Template Other Supporting File 0 MB
Template Proposal 0 MB