
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Unit: Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Brand/Type: Tecnai G2 20S-Twin Function: Transmission Electron Microscopy is a microscopy technique in which an electron beam is transmitted through a very thin specimen (£ 100 nm thick), and the interactive…

  • Laboratorium Fisika
  • PT Nusa Veritas Inspektama
  • KST Serpong (Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie)
    KST BJ Habibie Gedung 440-442 Laboratorium Fisika Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
  • 08119811562
  • Service Unit: Per Sample
  • Service Duration: 14 Working Days
  • Service Quota Per Day: 2
  • Service Capacity: 1 Per Sample
  • Minimum Amount: 1
Marketing Office
Deputi Bidang Infrastruktur Riset dan Inovasi BRIN
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Unit: Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)

Brand/Type: Tecnai G2 20S-Twin

Function: Transmission Electron Microscopy is a microscopy technique in which an electron beam is transmitted through a very thin specimen (£ 100 nm thick), and the interactive results are magnified in the form of an image and displayed with a CCD camera, fluorescence display, or sheet film.

The FEI Tecnai G2 20S-Twin TEM is a 200kV accelerated voltage class TEM with a sub-Angström resolution of 0.24 nm (point) and 0.188 nm (line), magnification range of 25x – 1030kx which is equipped with a CCD Camera and EDS (Energy Dispersive X-Spectroscopy facility Ray). With the above specifications, the FEI Tecnai G2 20S-Twin TEM is capable of analyzing materials and biological samples, especially for failure/defect analysis, determining material phases, element composition, and other imaging purposes with nanometer resolution. Some of the unique features of this equipment are that it can also be used in STEM, correlative microscopy, observation under cryogenic conditions, and 3D macromolecular structure tomography.

Sample Terms: (Details on Form F-10)

Samples in powder form: The maximum sample mass required is 1 gram. The type of solvent available is ethanol or aquabidest. Other solvents, are to be provided independently by the customer.
Samples in the form of liquid colloid or gel: maximum sample volume 1 mL.
Solid/bulk samples: have gone through the milling process with FIB/ultramicrotome and are ready to run (sample is already on the omniprobe grid)
It is not permitted to send samples with a weight, volume, and quantity that exceeds the provisions.
Customers can provide samples that have been prepared on the TEM grid and are ready to run.


1. Before clicking Request a Service, please see the available SCHEDULE first.

2. To facilitate verification of registered test samples, customers must complete Form F-10 which can be downloaded in the "Service Files" section then select "Service SOP Files". Form F-10 that has been filled in. PDF format is uploaded along with Sample Photos in the "Other Supporting Files" and "Photo Data Files" sections.

3. Make sure that the NAME and NUMBER OF SAMPLES registered with ELSA are the same as the NUMBER OF SAMPLES written on Form F-10.

4. Incompleteness of these supporting documents may cause the test sample registration to be canceled by the Laboratory Management.

5. Refunds cannot be made unless there are technical problems at the Laboratory.

6. If the sample will be taken again. The maximum time limit for sampling is 1 month (30 working days) after the test has been completed.

Application Requirements:
  • Photo
  • Other Supporting File
File Name File Size
Service SOP file 0.03 MB
Template Photo 0 MB
Template Other Supporting File 0 MB