SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Equipment : Multi Detector of Foccused Ion Beam (FIB) Brand : JEOL JIB 4610F Function : The JIB-4610F system incorporates an easy-to-use, out-lens type scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with a Schottky electron gun and a new FIB…
- Laboratorium Imaging Fisika Maju
- KST Serpong (Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie)
KST BJ Habibie Gedung 440-442 Laboratorium Imaging Fisika Maju Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional - 08119811562
Equipment : Multi Detector of Foccused Ion Beam (FIB)
Brand : JEOL JIB 4610F
Function : The JIB-4610F system incorporates an easy-to-use, out-lens type scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with a Schottky electron gun and a new FIB column capable of large milling currents (90 nA) into a single chamber.
After high-speed processing of the cross-section using FIB, it is possible to perform high-speed analysis using any of the various analysis units like CLD (cathodoluminescence), EBSD (crystal orientation analysis system) and EDS (energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry), making use of the high-resolution SEM imaging and the Schottky electron gun capable of providing large currents (200 nA).
The standard configuration includes a 3D analysis function, where milling of cross sections is performed automatically at fixed intervals, with SEM images acquired for each cross section (Cut&See). By also utilizing the optional 3D reconstruction software, it is possible to make even more detailed analyses of the 3 dimensional structures of a complex sample.
No. WA Layanan: +62 811-9811-562
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- Photo
- Other Supporting File
File Name | File Size | |
Service SOP file | 0.29 MB | |
Template Photo | 0 MB | |
Template Other Supporting File | 0 MB |