
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | The purpose of this test is to evaluate the immunity or resistance of electrical and electronic equipment when affected by fast transients (bursts) on power supply, signal, control and grounding ports.   Test Item:  Electrical and electronic equipment…

  • Laboratorium Elektronika dan Instrumentasi 1. Kompatibilitas Elektromagnetik (EMC)
  • Puspiptek - Serpong
    Gedung 254 lantai 1 Puspiptek Serpong KST BJ Habibie Serpong
  • 08119811567
  • Service Unit: per- sample
  • Service Duration: 10 Working Days
  • Service Quota Per Day: 1
  • Service Capacity: 1 per- sample
  • Minimum Amount: 1
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Deputi Bidang Infrastruktur Riset dan Inovasi BRIN
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The purpose of this test is to evaluate the immunity or resistance of electrical and electronic equipment when affected by fast transients (bursts) on power supply, signal, control and grounding ports.
Test Item:  Electrical and electronic equipment
Test Parameters:  Following the reference of SNI IEC 61000-4-4:2013
Test Method:  SNI IEC 61000-4-4:2013
Test Equipment:  Power Quality Plug-In, Combination Wave Module, EFT/Burst Module

Related regulations (among others):
Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 2019 concerning Technical Requirements for Internet Protocol Network Telecommunications Equipment and / or Devices.

Service requests should be preceded by a discussion in advance to identify test requirements (review of requests) and determine the cost of testing rates to test objects, requests are sent via email to or cellphone: 0811 9811 567. The laboratory can reject service requests that do not begin with a discussion.

In order to maintain facilities and infrastructure, starting from December 20 to January 1 of each year, we temporarily do not provide services. Services will reopen on January 2nd of the following year.

Application Requirements:
  • Photo
  • Other Supporting File
File Name File Size
Service SOP file 0.45 MB
Template Photo 0 MB
Template Other Supporting File 0 MB