
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Short Description The Nuclear Reactor Materials, Systems, Structures and Components Research Group focuses on the development of advanced materials for generation IV reactors and fusion technologies, with core competencies in radiation-induced defects…

  • KST Serpong (Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie)
  • Service Unit: Person
  • Service Duration: 6 Months
  • Service Capacity: 7 Person
  • Minimum Amount: 1
  • Jumlah Pelamar: 0
Apply for Service
Short Description
The Nuclear Reactor Materials, Systems, Structures and Components Research Group focuses on the development of advanced materials for generation IV reactors and fusion technologies, with core competencies in radiation-induced defects and mechanical and chemical testing. Research activities consist of:
Carry out computational and experimental research activities related to the design and engineering of structural materials, systems and components in nuclear reactors, including accident tolerant fuel, nuclear fuel cladding and radiation resistant materials.
Lab simulations and experiments on structural materials of nuclear reactor systems and components.
The materials studied were ODS, HEA, FeAl, and shielding materials.
Software used: MCNP, Srac, and Lampps

Research Topics
Novel Materials Development:
  1. Development of high temperature austenitic steel materials to support the development of advanced reactors, especially HTGR
  2. Exploration of High Entropy Alloys (HEA) for improvising safety systems for Generation IV nuclear reactors and fusion reactors
  3. Development of the Accident Tolerant Fuel concept to improve the LWR operational safety system
Computer Modelling
  1.  Monte Carlo simulation for investigating the effects of radiation on materials and concrete structures supporting and shielding reactors
  2. Utilization of computer modeling which includes first principles calculation DFT, molecular dynamics (DFT), finite elements, up to CALPHAD modeling to harmonize theory, experimentation and modeling.

S-1 Nuclear Engineering, Physics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Materials
Service Capacity: 7 People

Application Requirements:
  • Photo
  • File Data Transkrip
  • Cover Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Statement Letter
  • Other Supporting File
  • Proposal
File Name File Size
Service SOP file 5.2 MB
Template Photo 0.01 MB
Template File Data Transkrip 0 MB
Template Cover Letter 0.01 MB
Template Curriculum Vitae 3.05 MB
Template Statement Letter 0.01 MB
Template Other Supporting File 0 MB
Template Proposal 0 MB