SERVICE DESCRIPTION | 3D Printer is proof that technology has penetrated all aspects, not just gadgets, lifestyle and work. The way this 3D printer works is by first making a print that is actually the same or similar to a conventional printer that can be used to create layers…
- Laboratorium Teknologi Satelit - Rancabungur (AIT)
- Rancabungur
Jalan Cagak Satelit No.8 KM, RW.4, Rancabungur, Kec. Ranca Bungur, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16310 - 081311215829
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3D Printer is proof that technology has penetrated all aspects, not just gadgets, lifestyle and work. The way this 3D printer works is by first making a print that is actually the same or similar to a conventional printer that can be used to create layers or colored layers so that it will produce 3D objects that look like their original form. At Pusteksat it is used to create engineering models for antennas, and other parts