Rp 350.000
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Optical Microscopy: For Observing the microstructure of metals, alloys, ceramics and composites. Each sample package, Customers get the opportunity to take 3 image points (one of the best image magnification each) or one sample point but there are three…
- IBBN - Laboratorium Uji IRM - Teknologi Bahan Bakar Nuklir
- Puspiptek - Serpong
Kawasan BJ. Habibie Gedung 20, Setu, Tangerang Selatan, BANTEN - 081110646763
- dit-pfk@brin.go.id
Marketing Office
Deputi Bidang Infrastruktur Riset dan Inovasi BRIN
Optical Microscopy: For Observing the microstructure of metals, alloys, ceramics and composites.
Each sample package, Customers get the opportunity to take 3 image points (one of the best image magnification each) or one sample point but there are three best image magnification scales).
The sample is a solid metal, alloy, ceramic or composite which has a flat surface with dimensions < 2cm>
sanding and polishing.
Application Requirements:
- Photo
- Other Supporting File
File Name | File Size | |
Service SOP file | 1.53 MB | |
Template Photo | 0 MB | |
Template Other Supporting File | 0 MB |