
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Plant Bioprospection Topics of research activities: (1) exploration of potential plant species, (2) Identification of metabolite compounds and their biological activity, (3) development of derivative products, (4) growth, development and propagation…

  • Kki Kebun Raya Cibodas
  • Service Unit: Person
  • Service Duration: 3 Months
  • Service Quota Per Day: 3
  • Service Capacity: Person
  • Minimum Amount: 1
Apply for Service
Plant Bioprospection Topics of research activities: (1) exploration of potential plant species, (2) Identification of metabolite compounds and their biological activity, (3) development of derivative products, (4) growth, development and propagation studies of selected plants, (5) increase in the content of metabolite compounds selected, (6) molecular analysis Scope of research activities: Plant Conservation, Plant Physiology, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Breeding, Plant Bioprospection, Plant Propagation and Cultivation

Application Requirements:
  • Letter of Introduction
  • File Data Transkrip
  • Photo
  • Identity Card
  • CV
  • Proposal
  • Agreement
File Name File Size
Service SOP file 0.45 MB
Template Letter of Introduction 0 MB
Template File Data Transkrip 0 MB
Template Photo 0 MB
Template Identity Card 0 MB
Template CV 0 MB
Template Proposal 0 MB
Template Agreement 0.03 MB