Rp 100.000
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Making thin sections of standard rock without analysis. For samples that require special treatment (loose sediment), additional costs will be charged.
- Laboratorium Geodiversitas
- KKI Kawasan Geodiversitas (Sukendar Asikin)
Jl. Karangsambung No.KM 19, Karangsambung, Kec. Karangsambung, Kabupaten Kebumen, Jawa Tengah 54353 - 6281327771526
- labgeodiversitas@brin.go.id
Marketing Office
Deputi Bidang Infrastruktur Riset dan Inovasi BRIN
Making thin sections of standard rock without analysis. For samples that require special treatment (loose sediment), additional costs will be charged.
Application Requirements:
Application Requirements:
- Photo
- Other Supporting File
File Name | File Size | |
Service SOP file | 0.47 MB | |
Template Photo | 0 MB | |
Template Other Supporting File | 0 MB |