SERVICE DESCRIPTION | The Research Center for Behavioral and Circular Economics carries out internship activities for students who are interested in various research topics: 1. Waste / waste / emission management; 2. Development of technology, innovation, and business models;…
- KS Gatot Subroto (Sarwono Prawirohardjo)
The Research Center for Behavioral and Circular Economics carries out internship activities for students who are interested in various research topics: 1. Waste / waste / emission management; 2. Development of technology, innovation, and business models; 3. Circular bio-economy; 4. Regenerating nature; 5. Regional circular economy; 6. The social aspect of the circular economy (social entrepreneurship); 7. Start-ups related to the circular economy.
Application Requirements:
Application Requirements:
- Photo
- File Data Transkrip
- Cover Letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Statement Letter
- Other Supporting File
- Proposal