
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Thesis supervision with the main research theme focused on Hydrological Model and Its Graphical User Interface (GUI) Development for Decision Support Tools in Controlling Runoff and Soil Erosion Over River Catchment

  • Laboratorium Limnologi
  • Bogor - Cibinong
  • Service Unit: Master and Bachelor Program
  • Service Duration: 8 Months
  • Service Quota Per Day: 2
  • Service Capacity: Master and Bachelor Program
  • Minimum Amount: 2
Apply for Service
Thesis supervision with the main research theme focused on Hydrological Model and Its Graphical User Interface (GUI) Development for Decision Support Tools in Controlling Runoff and Soil Erosion Over River Catchment

Application Requirements:
  • Letter of Introduction
  • File Data Transkrip
  • Photo
  • Identity Card
  • CV
  • Proposal
  • Agreement
File Name File Size
Service SOP file 23.94 MB
Template Letter of Introduction 0 MB
Template File Data Transkrip 0 MB
Template Photo 0 MB
Template Identity Card 0 MB
Template CV 0 MB
Template Proposal 0 MB
Template Agreement 0.03 MB