
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Valeport Mini Sound Velocity Sensor (Mini-SVS)   Description Mini Sound Velocity Sensor (MiniSVS) can be used to measure the speed of sound at sea level. Usually, the SVS is installed adjacent to the multibeam echosounder transducer. MiniSVP is equipped…

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  • Service Duration: 1 Calendar Day
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  • Minimum Amount: 1
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Valeport Mini Sound Velocity Sensor (Mini-SVS)
Mini Sound Velocity Sensor (MiniSVS) can be used to measure the speed of sound at sea level. Usually, the SVS is installed adjacent to the multibeam echosounder transducer. MiniSVP is equipped with a titanium body making it very suitable for surveillance and research operations from coastal to deep water.
 Equipment Brand
Valeport Mini-SVS
  • Valeport miniSVS titanium housed with 50mm path length
  • Test Cable (probe to PC and power supply), RS232
  • Tool kit
  • Operating manual
  • Transit case.
  • Measure the speed of sound in situ (single point)
Sound Velocity
  • Range                  1375 – 1900 m/s
  • Resolution         0.001 m/s
  • Accuracy             Dependent on sensor size          
Sample Rate
Selectable, dependent on configuration
Acoustic Frequency
2.5 MHz
The miniSVS has RS232 & RS485 output, selected by command code. RS232 data may be taken directly into a PC over cables up to 200m long, whereas RS485 is suitable for longer cables (up to 1000m) and allows for multiple addressed units on a single cable.
Baud Rate                         2400 – 115200
                                           (NB, low baud rates may limit data rate)
Protocol 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No parity, No flow control
Voltage                             9 – 28V DC
Power                                0.25 W (SV only)
Connector                         SubConn MCBH6F
Housing & Bulkhead       Titanium housing
Depth Rating                    6000m (Titanium)
Instrument Size              
Main Housing                  48mmФ
Sensor Body                     54mmФ
Length                               435mm (including connector)
Weight                              1 kg  (housed type)
Transducer Window       Polycarbonate
Reflector Plate                 Titanium

File Name File Size
Service SOP file 0.6 MB