
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | Vicker Hardness Tester is a tool used to measure the hardness value of a material (metal). The basic principle of this test is that the pyramid-shaped indenter presses on the part of the material being tested. Then evaluate the surface of the material…

  • Laboratorium KST Samaun Samadikun - Sub Laboratorium Elektronika
  • KST Cisitu (Samaun Samadikun)
    Gedung Basics Tower 2 Lantai 1, BRIN Bandung KST Samaun Samadikun. Jalan Sangkuriang 1-9, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung
  • 089528898492
  • Service Unit: per sample
  • Service Duration: 5 Working Days
  • Service Quota Per Day: 5
  • Service Capacity: 5 per sample
  • Minimum Amount: 1
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Deputi Bidang Infrastruktur Riset dan Inovasi BRIN
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Vicker Hardness Tester is a tool used to measure the hardness value of a material (metal). The basic principle of this test is that the pyramid-shaped indenter presses on the part of the material being tested. Then evaluate the surface of the material that is indented after being pressed to determine the magnitude of the force. The Vicker hardness measurement results will be calculated automatically using software that is installed on the computer.
Solid metal, maximum 10 x 10 x 2 cm, flat and smooth surface, not a polymer sample, not amenable to preparation.
10x and 50x lenses
Loads 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 300, 500, 1000 grams

Application Requirements:
  • Photo
  • Other Supporting File
File Name File Size
Service SOP file 0.08 MB
Template Photo 0 MB
Template Other Supporting File 0 MB