DESKRIPSI LAYANAN | Ruang lingkup riset: Carrying out the calculation of the dose distribution in the rotating irradiation chamber by simulations with PHITS and EGSnrc Monte Carlo code. Comparing the PHITS and EGSnrc results with measurement. Calculating transit dose in…
- Pusat Riset Teknologi Keselamatan, Metrologi, dan Mutu Nuklir
- Babarsari - Yogyakarta
Ruang lingkup riset:
Syarat Pengajuan:
- Carrying out the calculation of the dose distribution in the rotating irradiation chamber by simulations with PHITS and EGSnrc Monte Carlo code.
- Comparing the PHITS and EGSnrc results with measurement.
- Calculating transit dose in irradiation chambers.
Fendinugroho, M.Sc
Persyaratan program studi:
D4 Teknofisika Nuklir; D4 Teknokimia Nuklir; S1 Teknik Nuklir
3 orang
Tempat pelaksanaan kegiatan:
Yogyakarta dan Pasar Jumat/Serpong
Syarat Pengajuan:
- File Data Foto
- File Data Transkrip
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