
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | The research activities of the Mathematical Biology and Environmental Dynamics research group include modeling and simulation in the field of biological mathematics and environmental dynamics using mathematical modeling, statistical (machine learning/AI),…

  • Kst Cibinong (soekarno)
  • Service Unit: People
  • Service Duration: 6 Months
  • Service Capacity: 4 People
  • Minimum Amount: 3
  • Jumlah Pelamar: 0
The research activities of the Mathematical Biology and Environmental Dynamics research group include modeling and simulation in the field of biological mathematics and environmental dynamics using mathematical modeling, statistical (machine learning/AI), and data-driven approaches.

Research topic:
1. Mathematical modeling for infectious diseases, epidemiology, public health
2. Analyze the impact of climate on public health risks
3. Analysis of climate impacts on the environment
4. Metagenome analysis

This MBKM is specifically for D4/S1 students and prioritizes those who are familiar with mathematical modeling and analysis using the Java/Python/R programming language, data science/AI, creating web/PHP-based information systems, using HPC, and bioinformatics tools for metagenomic analysis.

Application Requirements:
  • Photo
  • File Data Transkrip
  • Cover Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Statement Letter
  • Other Supporting File
  • Proposal
File Name File Size
Service SOP file 0.29 MB
Template Photo 0.01 MB
Template File Data Transkrip 0 MB
Template Cover Letter 0.01 MB
Template Curriculum Vitae 3.05 MB
Template Statement Letter 0.01 MB
Template Other Supporting File 0 MB
Template Proposal 0 MB