
SERVICE DESCRIPTION | The RDI Teledyne brand Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Workhorse Sentinel type with specifications of 300 Khz with a maximum measurement capability of 110 meters is used for time series measurements of vertical profiles of ocean currents. ADCP…

  • Laboratorium Alat Survei
  • Bogor - Cibinong
    Gedung Pusbindiklat Kelas Lama Kawasan Sains dan Teknologi (KST) Soekarno, Jl. Raya Jakarta - Bogor KM 46, Cibinong, Jawa Barat 16911
  • 08119811551
  • Service Unit: Per Contract / Day
  • Service Duration: 1 Working Days
  • Service Quota Per Day: 1
  • Service Capacity: 1 Per Contract / Day
  • Minimum Amount: 1
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The RDI Teledyne brand Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Workhorse Sentinel type with specifications of 300 Khz with a maximum measurement capability of 110 meters is used for time series measurements of vertical profiles of ocean currents.
ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) RDI Teledyne brand, Workshorse Sentinel series, frequency 300 Khz, is an ADCP designed for autonomous measurements with a mooring system on the seabed with a maximum depth of 100m. The RDI Teledyne brand Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Workhorse Sentinel type with specifications of 300 Khz with a maximum measurement capability of 110 meters is used for time series measurements of vertical profiles of ocean currents.
ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) RDI Teledyne brand, Workshorse Sentinel series, frequency 300 Khz, is an ADCP designed for autonomous measurements with a mooring system on the seabed with a maximum depth of 100m.

Application Requirements:
  • Photo
  • Other Supporting File
File Name File Size
Service SOP file 0.15 MB
Template Photo 0 MB
Template Other Supporting File 0 MB